
Of all the issues related to performing and analyzing regressions, the easiest to deal with may be units.  Of course, all of your distance values must be in the same unit (you can't mix meters with millimeters in the same table, for example) and all of your time values must be in the same unit, but after that it's easy.

At the risk of over-simplifying it, the units are exactly what you would expect them to be.  In other words:

If your time values are in seconds and your distance values are in meters, then 'do' will be in meters, 'vi' will be in meters per second, and 'a' will be in meters per second squared.

If your time values are in minutes and your distance values are in inches, then 'do' will be in inches, 'vi' will be in inches per minute, and 'a' will be in inches per minute squared.

If your time values are in eons  and your distance values are in cubits, then 'do' will be in cubits, 'vi' will be in cubits per eon, and 'a' will be in cubits per eon squared.

In short, for any units, 'do' will be in YourDistanceUnit, 'vi' will be in YourDistanceUnit per YourTimeUnit, and 'a' will be in YourDistanceUnit per YourTimeUnit squared.

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